Sears Point Creeping Wild Rye Levee Planting Project

A previous year’s planting (foreground) and Phase 3 plantings marked with flags (background).

A previous year’s planting (foreground) and Phase 3 plantings marked with flags (background).


Spye General Engineering performed the 3rd phase of Creeping Wild Rye plantings on the habitat levee within the Sears Point Tidal Wetlands in 2019. The planting project was developed as a strategy to achieve surface cover with native grass to aid in longer term vegetation management on the levee. Working for Sonoma Land Trust and the United Stated Fish and Wildlife Service, Steve Pye and his crew successfully planted more than 10,000 grass clumps (small masses of soil and rhizome) on the levee’s 2.5 mile face. Using harvesting and planting techniques that Steve Pye developed during the previous phases of planting at Sears Point, the team was able to complete this large-scale planting in just under two weeks with a crew of three.

Harvesting sod from Creeping Wild Rye.

Harvesting sod from Creeping Wild Rye.

The harvest site several months after project completion.

The harvest site several months after project completion.