Sears Point Wetlands Cordgrass Planting Project

Crew member Stephen Planting Spartina in the mudflats below the habitat levee.

Crew member Stephen Planting Spartina in the mudflats below the habitat levee.


Spye General Engineering implemented a 3rd phase of Cordgrass (Spartina folios) along the base of the habitat levee at Sears Point for Sonoma Land Trust and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service as part of an ongoing effort to establish high intertidal marsh species in the newly formed mudflats. Working with staff from Ducks Unlimited who performed previous plantings, Steve Pye and his crew harvested and planted over 2000’ linear feet of Cordgrass in the mudflats adjacent to levee.

Crew member Eric holding a plug of Spartina at the harvest area.

Crew member Eric holding a plug of Spartina at the harvest area.

The crew planting Spartina amidst a brush fence installation along the levee.

The crew planting Spartina amidst a brush fence installation along the levee.