Sears Point Gully Repair

Post-construction, fall 2020.

Post-construction, fall 2020.


In 2020, Spye General Engineering was hired by Sonoma Land Trust to arrest headward movement of a gully in the Sears Point uplands. 40 tons of rip rap were trucked to the site and installed using a mini excavator at the head of the gully to prevent further erosion. Erosion control fabric was installed along the edges of the gully where bare soils remained, and the site was seeded with native grasses following project completion. Willow pole cuttings were also installed below the rock to provide further stability and riparian habitat.

Willow Pole cuttings installed below the rock slope.

Willow Pole cuttings installed below the rock slope.

Winter, 2021.

Winter, 2021.